Johnson city Tenn Rally New Pics Granpa Anon.
May I ask a favor from the anons who can work on pics. Would you please blow up the left hand top corner of this PLEASE? We were wearing a Q hat and asked to please go down to where POTUS was. We were picked out of the crowd of 8500+ people just to go stand in front of Potus. Thank you and Bless you
Yes, We have some great intell for the board with all the Qanons that was there!!!!!!
Yes we saw ya but we were allow to where our hats in until I was waving it, lol but was asked to go to the floor to stand close to Potus, was you?
All Q s was asked to stand in floor in front of Potus!!!!!
Yes we were singled out and told to go stand in front of Potus. Grandma Anon
More to come from last night!!!!!!!!! Grandpa Anon.
Freddy, this granny is young enough not too care what you say and old enough not to GIVE A FUCK go FCK UR SELF IF YOU CAN FIND THE HOLE