Does DG-EC mean anything to anyone??
Does DG-EC mean anything to anyone???
Plane seats…interdasting
IAEA needs to inspect Dimona before anything else.
RSB network!! True paytriots!!!
It’s not. It’s just not the Kav vote.
That post is fake (the top one). It’s not a real Q post.
Also anon,… Deutchebank HEAVILY in bed with Cheney And Bush. That’s where the options on insider trading money were placed from.
At the time there was no Trip and there were a lot of people LARPing as Q at the same time Q was actually posting. Believe what you want, but I was there, not Q. You can look at the same UIDs other post. All Microdick type LARP stuff. I believe the bottom one was Q tho
Normally I’m rooting for the team. But I hope the vote is not 47-53. Because you retards now think that future proves past, Q’s posts are taken at face value, and there is no misdirection involved. Can’t wait till it’s a BOOM but everyone on here is like “it wasn’t the Kav vote?! OmG who could have known?!?”
Yes I do, and apologies. Got it. There were people posting the top one earlier saying jt was a Q post. Didn’t mean to confuse.
Yup, gets more voters out if he doesn’t get confirmed
POTUS directly calling out all [[Globalists]]