>>3301677 (pb)
NAFTA is no different than USMCA, you will not see those manufacturing jobs come back unless USA dollar declines in value and USA workers therefore become a more competitve against the world (maybe that's the goal to standardize the standard of living).
The thing about the CEOs and human trafficers its great if those people see justice. I'm not clainming Trump is not doing fabulous things about crime and economy. But I'm not seeing any change in direction towards NWO
Each household in USA has relative daily autonomy. Doesn't mean if you don't pay your property tax that some government agency won't come steal your property.
You are witnessing breakup of the world into economic zones. The economic zones will compete against other economic zones kind of like NFL teams complete against eachother. There is not change in trend back towards ethnic nationalism or religious/cultural homogeneity. Its just rah rah, my economic zone is beating your economic zone.