Thank you all. I needed that. Ironically, I used to worry about moving to a Red State, now I want out of my Blue state and away from Big cities.
Lost GF/best friend anon 2+yrs ago (still friends tho). Maybe in part to frequent conspiracy rantings. I just couldn't stay silent seeing that CNN bullshit after WDBJ, Pulse, Paris, Belgium, Sandy Hoax and the many many others. It was so obviously psy op propaganda. Cognitive dissonance. Just too hard for most people to fathom.
I was awake on 9/11…and even I had a slow time realizing Sandy Hook was fake (year later). I didn't watch TV, just saw the headlines and assumed it was real. ONLY after seeing someone on FAKE book in a group I was in saying it was a HOAX, did I even think twice. I thought it was so odd for someone to say that, I investigated for myself to see what would make someone make such a bold claim…and damn if they weren't right.
It's like seeing the symbols of occult. Once you know what to look for, all the signs are there and predictable.