From Sucha Fail, but whatever.
Democratic Party US Senator Dianne Feinstein
—whose secret dealings with a Chinese spy in her employ for nearly 20 years has yet to be fully explained.
Democratic Party US Senator Dick Durbin
—whose wife, Loretta Durbin, was discovered to be a lobbyist for clients who received “favors” from her husband, one of whom was the Mexican government’s National Museum of Mexican Art who funneled millions-of-dollars to Senator Durbin and his wife for reasons still not known.
Democratic Party US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
—who received a mysterious “gift” of nearly $500,000 from her father-in-law Sydney Gillibrand—who is a British citizen and former chairman of the UK defense giant Amec Foster Wheeler (AMEC)—with it further left being unexplained about Senator Gillibrand as to why the Mexican government protected her father Doug Rutnik—who has ties to the leader of a sex cult President Trump forced the Mexicans to deport back to the United States.
Democrat Party US Senator Richard Blumenthal
—who last week asked Judge Kavanaugh whether he knew the legal term “falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus”—false on one thing, false on all—but in the past lied for 15 years falsely claiming that he served in Vietnam and was a hero, despite the fact that he sought multiple deferments and then signed up for the Marine Reserve to avoid going to war.
Democrat Party US Senator Cory Booker
—who, in 1992, wrote an article for his collage newspaper wherein he bragged about groping and molesting a drunken 15-year-old girl child.
Democrat Party US Senator Kamala Harris
—who as the Attorney General of California in the aftermath of the 2007-2008 financial crises, set up a task force to investigate banks for their crimes, then quietly closed out her investigation without prosecuting anyone.
Democrat Party US Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
—who made a fortune on a deal over a bill called the 21st Century Cures Act by buying shares in pharmaceutical companies while he was sitting on a US Senate committee overseeing health care—and the day after President Obama signed the bill, saw him then selling his pharmaceutical stock.