Apologies for length. Long time lurkerfag. Thought i would share this channel about President Trump which speaks of his legendary abilities. Not research per se however you will likely nod and smile.
Yes. I will do so. I am from a galaxy beyond yours. I am here now because of the removal. It interests me.
The removal of what?
Of chains. These have massive weight to them and it is known that a herculean effort is being undertaken to remove them. Not by one man or woman, as in the Hercules legend, which by the way is more than legend, but led by one being.
Begun, and just about completed as of this point, by the actions of one being.
Your earth has waited many eons for such a being. It is one that was willing to endure slings and arrows and complete hatred, knowing he would be misunderstood. A being such as this appears to have gigantic aims in personal respects. Only, perhaps, in order to waylay those who would mistake him for weakened by ego.
This being is, of course, the USA President, who does so without payment. How much more of a sign is necessary?
He came to undo the slave system and to save the planet finally, once and for all, from its bondage by money. He does so without money as incentive. This is pure intent, which sends the strongest message to the "chain layers". They do not know what to make of this being.
In the end there will be stories written of prophecies foretold that came to be with the placement of this being where he is now.
He is unstoppable because the force to keep him in place until the chains are gone is so much greater than that of any other. Not even he is fully aware of this force.
He will succeed.
Link to full article