>>3304165 pb
God (capitalized)
>>3304165 pb
God (capitalized)
Rachel KNEW about the Polygraph coaching before asking that question.
Why would you be scared if you knew you were telling the truth?
Trump wouldn't spout off if he wasn't confident in the outcome…though it might seem foolish to outsiders.
What a movie
"Has POTUS ever said anything that didn't come true?"
Dems would have been more credible going after this than bumping and grinding some lying hoe
That cunt from Hawaii talked about some of this stuff after the Blasey hearing to Senate…some of it was legitimate for discussion…but they blew their wad on the false allegation instead. They could have looked reasonable.
Drop the An in Da Nang and you get DANG!
Karma for the Opium Wars. (Scott's son aside)
China are the masters of taking others work and reproducing it on a mass scale cheaply.
Then again, the Cabal probably just outsourced production.
Haven't been lucky enough to do DMT or any other Psychs..but have studied them for the last 4 years and their positive benefits. Graham opened my eyes to Ayahuasca, DMT, Shrooms etc. I had been brainwashed that all "Drugs are bad mmm'kay".
I've never even smoked weed myself, but read too many positives about psychs used properly to deny their positivity. Just wish I could try DMT and make sense of this universe.
Those who went to college and didn't get drunk ever raise their hand?
Anyone else?
Thought so.
Don't know who KJ is, but I like his style.
This would be EPIC…I already was sure there was a Gorsuch letter too…and 2012 fits that timeline.
Make PERJURY a crime again.
Correct. Thanks for the correction anon.