Anonymous ID: 163179 Oct. 2, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.3305179   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If you are one of these who got sucked into this farce

get out while the getting is good

once your true mission is realized

it will be too late – and you will be in danger



In the days leading up to the French Revolution

(which is known as the most sadistic and murderous blood-letting in history –

which is why the guillotine was invented as a quick kill machine)

groups of men and women were slowly trained to hate and murder.


These were the "Illumined Masonic Lodges"

who were fed anti-elite, anti-church, etc propaganda

Their Masonic oaths kept them silent.

They were one by one given tasks to prove their loyalty.


First they would watch a torture or murder.

Then they were told to DO THE MURDER.

If they refused, they were not loyal enough.

All it took was one claim by a "revolutionary" member

to become a death sentence for someone.

You could be put to death for any number of accusations.

My point is this:

They make you take an oath of loyalty.

Then they test your loyalty.

This is when it becomes dangerous.

You are at the point of no return.