the letter looks fake and gay. but whatevs.
looks like a nine to me.
This IS
My sinister battle with Brett Kavanaugh over the truth - by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Agree on AEP. He's also shrewd. His piece teases to damn kavanaugh, then says nearly nothing about him at all that we don't already know.
no homo!
Real anons know you canNOT trust frat boy.
So she's gonny get away w/perjury and basically making everything the fuck up?
not to mention the water table is about 2.2 feet.
But really, It didn't take a homeboy to debunk that rot. All you had to do was read the first sentence.
yep. says so right there on that banner, in front of Ground Zero, where the Troofers used to gather and rant.
Must be so.
fucking frat boy from the swamp.
Night, shift.