The Kavanaugh hearing is a great example of the uni-party turning against itself.
Kavanaugh is establishment.
How could he not be after his involvement in the patriot act and the ken Starr investigation.
However, in an election year, there is no way democrats would vote for a trump nominee. How unfortunate, because he really is /theirguy.
The problem is, the D’s constituents don’t know that and don’t care. They only see this as trumps pick. So they have to oppose.
Trump knows this.
Kavanaugh will not be confirmed. This will be a jolt to Trump’s base. Trump will get more of /hisguys in Congress. The dems will declare victory after defeating Kavanaugh prior to the election. Their turnout will be less as a result.
ACB to be nominated after trump has real majority in senate.
Dems won’t be able to vote against a women.