Former Ambassador Says
Vince Foster Was Murdered
Leo Wanta - 'The 27.5 Trilllion Dollar Man - Part 5
Leo Wanta gave Foster $250 million earmarked for Hillary Clinton's
slush fund disguised as the Childrens' Fund. Foster later turned up dead
and Wanta ended up in a Swiss dungeon for 134 days.
By Greg Szymanski
Former Ambassador Leo Wanta, jailed for years and framed by the Bush and Clinton crime families, said during a recent radio interview there is no doubt in his mind Vince Foster, chief White House counsel to President Clinton, was murdered only weeks after giving Foster $250 million dollars earmarked for the Childrens' Defense Fund.
Wanta also said Monday on Greg Szymanski's nightly edition of the Investigative Journal that he was aware Foster was about to testify against Clinton, providing another motive for Foster's untimely death.