Anons, many of us may have been looking at this the wrong way. A NO on Kavanaugh confirmation isn't a Trump loss, it's a Democrat theft.
Anyone with any objectivity whatsoever can look at what has been presented and see no reason to believe any of the accusations against Kav. The FBI is going to clear him as well. After all that, a big sigh of relief right? Vote comes in 47-53 Nay on K. WTF right?
Kavanaugh covered up the Foster murder for HRC, could have exposed her during the impeachment process. Trump knows that, Kav is working an angle for us, he is comped and he is playing his role. The FBI probe into Kavanaugh was to collect evidence against Clinton for the Foster murder. She will be publicly tried and sentenced for that crime. This is what she is going to be arrested for. The timeline adds up to the October surprise of arresting HRC and whomever else was involved. There is no party politics involved in that. Clinton killed her own guy, the Dems wanted the FBI probe that uncovered the evidence. Trump isn't involved at all. Nothing to riot over. Maybe all the Clinton murders come out, the Foundation, child trafficking. I don't know but I do believe we are seeing act one ending with the surprise defeat of Kav setting up act two which will be the arrest of HRC and the D5 avalanche. Q said the midterms were a punt. Then he said think "the football" in reference to the EAS alert. POTUS will concede the vote of KAV,the cell alert will have to do with this vote results, and then we punt the football playing DEFENSE the next couple weeks before the FBI probe intercepts and we go for the touchdown at the end of October. Dark to Light