If you’re one of the 2,233 people who’ve followed the ‘Occupy San Diego’ Facebook page over the years, you might want to reconsider your relationship.
Based on what I can tell from comments posted at the site over the past 24 hours, the site is now run by somebody who’s out to mock and troll people of the progressive persuasion.
On Monday a post attributed to a follower of the bizarre conspiracy called QAnon disparaging Dr. Christine Blasey Ford appeared. Based on the comments this person or persons posting as OSD, i.e, “Liberal tears, haha,” it is clear the site no longer represents any aspect of the movement against Wall Street that inspired it.
Here’s their defense of posting an airbrushed photo/meme of Dr. Ford with the claim she came forward to testify for $900,000 in Go Fund Me accounts.
Occupy San Diego They are not serious allegations. They are allegations made by someone who literally has CIA connections (family and professional) and literally works in the mind control field who recreated her memories based on a book, has changed her story several times, that has no evidence whatsoever, and that gives no specific information. No this is now clearly a deep state operation. Ask yourself why was ALL of her social media scrubbed from the web? Why were google employees staying at her home? Do you know what papers she authored? Where are her therapist notes? Where was her family support? She was reading from a script. No. I have no reason at this point to take her allegations as serious. And there is a good reason to believe she has perjured herself. We’ll see.
What I’m given to understand is that a new person was recently granted administrative access to the OSD Facebook account and proceeded to boot out all the other administrators.
A banner image, touting a right-wing propaganda campaign (pushed by Russian bots, for what that’s worth) called #Walkaway now graces the OSD page. The campaign, which is presented as a grassroots effort by former Democrats critical of the party’s alleged intimidation, confrontation and lack of civility and want people to walk away from the party.
From a July 17 CNN commentary:
The most recent example of this strategy is the #WalkAway hashtag, which is presented as a grassroots effort by former Democrats who are critical of the party’s alleged intimidation, confrontation and lack of civility and want people to walk away from the party.
However, #WalkAway has also now been connected to Kremlin-linked Russian bots, and it is now the seventh most popular Russia-influenced hashtag as of this writing, according to the website Hamilton 68, which tracks Russian influence on Twitter as part of the Alliance for Securing Democracy, an initiative of the nonpartisan German Marshall Fund. The purpose of this now-astroturf campaign is to manipulate public opinion by creating the illusion that this is a popular movement. In reality, #WalkAway has become pure propaganda, a psychological operation.
Some of the tweets using the hashtag condemn illegal immigration, claim “Blacks were sold a false bill of goods,” and proclaim “the African-American community is leaving the Democrat plantation in droves.” Candace Owens, an African-American conservative and communications director of Turning Point USA — a pro-Trump student political group with a “Professor Watchlist” database that tracks professors who “discriminate against conservative students” — has promoted the #WalkAway hashtag. Owens, who has called police brutality a myth and said “unlimited illegal immigration has harmed the black community for decades,” claims black voters are walking away from the Democratic Party.
I’m not saying the OSD page is run by Russians. I’m saying they’re playing along with a propaganda scheme. For right-wing trolls, the intent of this campaign was simply to “own” liberals and lefties.