Anonymous ID: 5e9ec6 Oct. 2, 2018, 9:56 p.m. No.3307220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7229 >>7263

When the Liberal Controlled Media & Democrat Candidates try to cover up the fact that these were "ARMED" gangs of somali men, teens, etc causing the entire incident…is all you need to know about Minnesota Liberal candidates…it will only get worse if they remain in power or the moslem candidates Ellison, Omar, etc are voted in.


Save Minnesota…vote them all out!!!


According to an article in the Star Tribune, a large number of fights erupted on Saturday at the amusement park, which led the police to close the park down early.


—Interestingly, throughout the Tribune’s entire article on what happened, they didn’t make mention of who was fighting. Social media accounts identified the assailants, though, as Somalis.—


The decision to close the park was allegedly made by, or at least on the advice of, the local police department, but the media has seemingly tried to keep the story quiet, perhaps due to the number of Somali Muslims running for office in the area. Was the media blackout concerning multiple reports of the armed Somali Muslim teens terrorizing children politically-connected?


This didn’t happen in London or Brussels, but rather in the heart of the United States, in a state that in which Barack Hussein Obama dumped tens of thousands of Somali Muslim migrants. Keith Ellison wants to bring another 110,000 to Minnesota…your home towns!


According to one person, who claimed to have witnessed the incident, a security guard told him that the —-Somali Muslim teens had jumped the fences (which allowed them to bypass the metal detectors stationed at the entrances to the park). This person’s account continued on to say that the youths who jumped the fence had weapons.—-


I have spoken with the man who wrote this post. He was at Valley Fair Amusement Park in Shakopee, Minnesota last night. He spoke to a security guard who said ——Somalis were jumping the fences to bring in weapons and bypass the metal detectors. They were terrorizing children, running from the police and had weapons.——


Yet another eyewitness account said that the youths were attacking the security guards inside the park, and that the rumor spread through the park that someone had stabbed a staff security member.


60-70 cell phones were recording the fights. Most removed by liberal controlled media/facebook/Youtube. Why? Afraid people will find out what is actually going on here in Minnesota?


Eventually 263 police officers, helicopters, K-9, fire, and ambulance were on the scene. The media is reporting it was a "minor" incident.


Minor incident…BS, you don't have 263 police officers and K-9 units, ambulances, helicopters at a minor incident.


On Saturday September 22, 2018 at the ValleyFair amusement park in Shakopee, Minnesota.

Anonymous ID: 5e9ec6 Oct. 2, 2018, 9:59 p.m. No.3307244   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Democrats face skepticism after party-led probe finds Keith Ellison abuse claims 'unsubstantiated'


The fox eating chickens does his own investigation and finds no wrong doing…typical Democrat playbook tactic. Sound familiar?


Tim Walz, Amy Klobuchar all the Dimwitted Candidates support and back Keith Ellison.

When actually, Ellison should end his candidacy and face criminal sexual abuse charges. It's a sham scam investigation now…Will any law enforcement agency investigate the allegation of domestic abuse against U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison made by his ex-girlfriend?


Unclear….—–Minneapolis city prosecutors won’t touch it because Ellison’s son sits on the City Council.—–


Dakota County prosecutors said they might review the allegations — but only if Minneapolis police investigate it first. And Minneapolis police aren’t saying. ****(Any other notorious crimes covered up in Mpls committed by moslems??? Or committed by moslems in other towns in Minnesota???)


We the people demand a proper FBI Investigation into Ellison's alledged abuse charges by two women…not another local cover up like all the rest of the crimes committed by moslems in Minnesota! Valley Fair Armed moslem riot, mall stabbings, street stabbing, woman calling 911 murder, etc.

Anonymous ID: 5e9ec6 Oct. 2, 2018, 10:02 p.m. No.3307281   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What else is known about (Narcissist Alleged Serial Woman Abuser, Antifa Supporter, who has ties with hamas, moslem-brotherhood, cair, Iran & Louis Farrakan), Keith Ellison….


Keith Ellison is unfit and unqualified to hold any office in Minnesota, or USA…Besides his history of domestic abuses (alleged?), Ellison supports Antifa, Ellison holds extreme communist and anti-American views.


***Keith Ellison was put into office by dedicated communists and is directly tied to not only the Communist Party, but Muslim Brotherhood & CAIR, who are considered Terrorist groups, as well.


***Ellison supported the dissolution of the United States to create an ethno-state only for blacks.


He’s been the biggest defender of the Muslim Brotherhood in Congress.

Ellison is also widely believed to function as an operative for the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim American Society, which has been called a national security threat, paid $13,500 of Ellison’s “Hajj,” or pilgrimage, to Mecca.


Philip Haney, a founding member of the Department of Homeland Security, Islamic terror expert says Ellison will be in an awkward position if the Muslim Brotherhood is officially labeled a terrorist organization by the new administration.


December 2016 Ellison held weekly meetings with the Council on American Islamic Relations, or CAIR, and is intricately involved with a host of organizations tied to the Muslim Brotherhood.


Ellison has a long partnership with anti-American movements, dating back to when he was as student. (Moved here from Michigan to the U of M).


During his student days, Ellison was very close to the Maoists of Freedom Road Socialist Organization, They believed in the Communist Party’s old 1930s dream of a black state in the South to split and weaken America to Soviet advantage. It’s no wonder then that Ellison supported a similar notion.


Writing under the name of Keith Hakim, Ellison defended the Nation of Islam while a student at the University of Minnesota Law School. Ellison additionally appeared on stage with notorious anti-Semite and anti-white activist Khalid Abdul Muhammad during an event to promote Louis Farrakhan’s Million Man March.


Ellison also was involved in explicitly Communist movements.

In June 1989, Loudon reports, Ellison was interviewed by the Freedom Road Socialist Organization’s publication Forward Motion on the subject of police brutality.

“The responsible activist has to show young people … that white supremacy and capitalism are what’s putting them in the position they’re on,” Ellison stated.


A few years later, Ellison participated with a leader of the Vice Lords gang in a rally against police.


And supports Antifa, if you don't get what you want, use violence against anyone. Pathetic, Democrats, just Pathetic.

Anonymous ID: 5e9ec6 Oct. 2, 2018, 10:06 p.m. No.3307328   🗄️.is 🔗kun

You can't trust a word Keith Ellison says. Deputy DNC chair Keith Ellison claims he hasn’t met with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, a notorious racist and anti-Semite, since 2013

Farrakhan said Ellison and Rep. Andre Carson visited him in a hotel room in 2015, and Carson has confirmed he was at the meeting

Ellison has repeatedly declined to address Farrakhan and Carson’s accounts of the meeting