Anonymous ID: 7c2267 Oct. 2, 2018, 9:14 p.m. No.3306743   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6756 >>6801 >>6807 >>6828 >>6877 >>7015 >>7056 >>7144

When is everyone passed the point of shitting themselves when President Trump makes a Q hand gesture at a podium?


The two are tied together (Q/Trump). Been a year. It’s like watching monkeys fall for the same trick over and over. Fuck arrests, these apes go nuts when you make a hand gesture.


And so far we’ve been told how to vote

Who to trust

Who not to trust

What to watch for

What not to watch for

Aliens are real

Planes hit the pentagon

Then disappear but….unity not division


Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is sitting on some couch doing an interview on cspan tearing apart President Trump. Why? “Part of the plan, enjoy the show”. Why? Why not disallow her to participate on any shows if she’s under our supervision? Kavanaughs name is fucked beyond fixing. And I don’t even fucking know if he can be trusted!!


I’ve put aside reality about enough situations. Left handed faggots will not take dicks out of their mouths long enough to understand what’s going on. They welcome the matrix. They need it for survival. This waking up normies. It ain’t happening. So, we should probably go ahead with dropping any one of several Moab’s …because this is getting suspect af.


So either this is a string along parade to the end of the world.


Or, were being duped by an insider, that obviously wants POTUS always shining brightly and smelling amazing. Thus the semi accuracy at times about certain things.


PR. Right? That’s what they call it? What letter goes between that them? Q.


Just thinking out loud. Against the crowd. I’ll neck myself and glow harder and cash the shareblue shill check and the other safety net empty accusations even I make. I’m over it.


Plenty signs this shit is WW3 but apparently we have to wait for a pre predicted Q and A and then Hope our question is answered. Are we peasants or people? Flat earth shitted how much bread. No answer from Q. Stops division, stops bread shits. Logical one would think.


Nah. Let it go. Like Hillary/ let her go. The rally chants are fun. The Q shadow rabbits are great. Need justice. Action. Results that we can all see and not condescendingly told “shit behind the scenes”.


A year. And we are worse now than then. It’s dangerous to go out and tell anyone you support the president. The fucking point has been made, how far does it have to go unless were being led into an abyss.


I’m sure I’m wrong and in a week hate myself for this rant. But how does this end? How does everything get fixed in 6 years? We know it takes longer. How does the corruption not begin anew? How does this stay clean? How does a new Soros or Bezos or Gates or Rothschild or Rockefeller get prevented?