Wish I was in a big office when that test goes off, it's prob gonna be cool, everyone like wtf
They're claiming they are forcing us to listen to it, f'n libturds
Tv and radio
Or better yet, "this was going to be an alert test, now it's a real testโฆ.please stand by
Anyone think (((they))) are going to try and f with it?
I know, ain't it Great!
Been here since the beginning, just a question, we assume the clock starts at 10/28, but wouldn't the time to start the clock be at the first post Q signed Q? We couldn't totally identify Q when posted as anonymous, not till the signature and tripcode, just wondering your thoughts, pic related, think Q meant collect my crumbs now and refer back to them, not collect my past crumbs from this post. It's always puzzled me. Would it change how the clock is read or really doesn't matter?
Oh I do, still confuses me that's all