I got screen shots of the 10110101 code. Any code breakers on?
Oh, and thank you baker.
I got screen shots of the 10110101 code. Any code breakers on?
Oh, and thank you baker.
Harold Finch name redacted 7…same guy
Morse code? Was that the long code (obviously).
And thanks anon. I have a one line code from lb also.
Ok. I will do that. 2Nd code pic related
There will be no effort by me to convince you of anything.
Centralized government is the enemy of all people in every country in the world, with one goal. Population control.
The make the rules, start the wars, ,manipulate currency and favor allies who control population.
There are no good guys in any of that scenario.
Government should be small and local but under one banner or constitution which limits government power. That hasn't been the case here for over 150 years.
So you called me a kike, without any evidence.
That is jew tactics 101.
You are a jew. A fucking glowing jew. You have jew jizz in your mouth right now, balls on your chin.
I thought I smelled you.
How so? I proved you are one, because you use their tactics. You must be faggot, because only a fag would use tootles. And we know who fags are.
Toodles? You mean you diddle toddlers. Gotcha. Guess who the kike is. >you
Toodles kiddie diddler
Great. Pappy Bush will be every dog has his day 2. Delay the hammer for a week or more, maybe even Kavanaugh. We could use a Q drop.
Possibly. Or maybe Trump likes compromised swamp people he controls. Ever think of that?
Who said I thought Trump was any different than canklels? Take the black pill. Trump is no rookie. He wants his swamp. He created a worldwide swamp before Hillary smh