Yeah, if you watch Demolition man…everyone has an rfid chip in their hand and all of society is basically Snow Flake Utopia. Even the cops are Pussies.
The Dems are screwed. Also, screw Justin's Beaver.
Ok, filling bread
So what's the word now on the shit storm?
Late night shit posting
How does one bake?
How does one go about baking?
Ok, who has the package?
Satan is the original deep state with his 1/3 of faggots.
Don't put too much yeast on that bread!
After Judge K's conformation.
I predict today Wednesday will be a shit storm.
Think of this.
The liberal retards are against the death penalty.
Think of the mass triggering and melting during military tribunals where their leaders and gods will be destroyed.
Yeah, don't kill the animals (PETA)…
BUT by God we will kill the unborn humans.
Hypocrisy up the ass
When the time comes, will you be ready for this Q drop or text Msg:
"My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us."
It's ok to be white, black, Hispanic, asian, kek.
Way back in the day as a youngster during my time in the Armed Forces we all fought for the same flag. We all had the same uniform and race wasn't on our minds. We were a fucking team.