Canuck Air Force over Little Rock.
Some fighting cannot be avoided. I know Sun Tzu said to 'subdue the enemy without fighting', but insurrection on this scale is a different matter, hence the need for the state of emergency on POTUS' part. He may (more likely will) need to impose martial law for a while.
Suicide? What's a suicide..?
If Soros, Antifa, etc. are stated as being 'unlawful combatants', then things will get really interesting.
This explains all you will need. The Hot versus Crazy Matrix.
Maybe the question could also be "Balls? then GTFO".
What about the quarter-assed attempt at ramming POTUS' convoy with that white car? Does that count?
Certainly. It's called 'Arkancide'.
Vince Foster apparently managed just that (two shots to the head) and buried himself afterwards too. Talented guy.
I thought that he was buried too, I need to check that.
1914 to 1918 was 'The Great War', or 'The War to end all wars'.
Q and POTUS know what they are doing. It's a signal to the Cabal.
Blasey Ford doesn't look like a deflated life raft. Unless you know differently..
There's a lot to be said for pessimism. Pessemists are neither surprised nor disappointed, since they expect that.
I'm positively negative.
I know an older one, corset. There ain't enough corset in the World to achieve that. She's look like a burst sofa.
A few months of Dexy's Midnight Runners would get the weight off quickly. Just sayin'.
I'm so glad you spelled it that way, Irene will be pretty pleased too. I have an image in my head that I can't access at work, heh.
That's how they got their name, the nickname for Dexedrine (Dexys).
Yes. Dexedrine = dextroamphetamine. It's stimulant.
My Mum was a nurse for 25 years. I helped her to study for the exams when I wasoyounger and learned so much about drugs while doing so.
You can't fix stupid, you can contain it though. That's where the military come in. They can put all of the stupid in one place.
I sat a Human and Social Biology exam without studying for the course, as I had learned so much from helping my Mum.
No, my comment was related more to Antifa and the libtards. Leave me out of the Muh J0o argument.
I am not JIDF. Church of England, if that actually means anything these days.