524: How money is used to buy politicians
Q is explaining the source/destinations of money transfers for pay-to-play schemes.
For example, Loop Capital was funneling money to Barack, McCain, the Clintons, Nancie Pelosi (and on and on) through other countries.
Q wants us to ask the question how senators, presidents, congresspeople can get right while in office? What votes/policies to they exchange for the $$?
559: Private emails addresses are used to coordinate "Deep State" actions
List of people:
Loretta Lynch, Hillary, James Clapper, James Comey, Chuck Schumer (or Christopher Steele), Andrew McCabe, McCain, Rod Rosenstein, SR, John Brennan, Huma Abedin, Valerie Jarrett, Barack Obama.
They all had @gmail.com addresses and used them to coordinate comms.
Eric Schmidt resigned from Google. He went to NK to setup private gmail comms for the deep state.
732: McCain in Syria (when no one else could get there)
Q lays out McCain's true source of wealth comes from those buying his allegiance; which isn't even a complete list, but you get the point. The McCain institute was a laundering scheme. Note the purpose of the institute:
The opposite is true.
855: McCain helped to organize trade deals that led to weakened US Military products made with weak steel.
Got pissed when Trump fixed it: https://www.mccain.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2018/3/statement-by-sasc-chairman-john-mccain-on-steel-aluminum-tariffs
1009: How do the institutions raise money?
Trafficking in exchange for funds. Read 732. Donors are international, and trafficking is a huge part of it.
POTUS sent National Guard to block it.
Donors: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-06-20/mccain-institute-donors-look-disturbingly-similar-clinton-foundation-soros-teneo-sau
1022: McCain getting out of office now that his income source is diminished.
This Q statement comes on April 4th. Arizona was already planning next steps to keep his seat off the Ballots for November:
1086: McCain in Syria, the ISIS nearly takes the whole country over.
Timeframe is important because nobody could get in and out during this period of conflict. After this meeting, Syria is nearly overran:
Isis in Syria Timeline: https://www.cnn.com/2014/08/08/world/isis-fast-facts/index.html
ISIS in Syria Animated Map: https://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/this-animated-map-of-isis-expansion-in-syria-iraq-and-1756464711
Here's what syria looks like now under Trump's presidency:
ISIL/ISIS has nearly lost all ground gained since 2013 (McCain's visit).
1088, 1089, 1091, 1092, 1094, 1095,
Q lays out the spiderweb of connections to Syrian "Freedom" fighters, ISIS, Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF), etc. Many of the photos shown are sourced from cell phones. At the time, Blackwater was McCain's security detail. In post 1091, Q is telling us Blackwater was engaged in double agent operations to gather intel. In post 1092, Q is telling us that the photos are sourced from NSA archives; hijacked off cell phones being used (these people are stupid).
1235: Q is telling us that McCain was inextricably tied to the MB through his ties to others in government at the time.
Q is also pointing out that Prince Al-waleed was the one responsible for paying Barack Obama's tuition while at Harvard.
1305: Q signals that McCain is out. This has released Lindsey Graham from binds, and now he's telling all to Q and team.
1326, 1555, 1649: Q is advertising that McCain was involved in meetings with the captured leaders of ISIS.
There is a negotiation in progress on his future. In post 1649, Q reminds us that Kavanough's confirmation is CRUICIAL to the plan. With McCain out of the way, the Supreme Court (SC) vote should go smoothly.
1707: Q tells us that McCain was involved in the FISA process, and even visited UK to help coordinate.
1708, 1764, and 1828 lay out how the cabal worked to put an insurance plan in place to prevent Trump from becoming POTUS or Impeach him should be be elected.