repost end of last bread. i need the article these pick came from to shut a normie tf up about photo shop..
saw it when anons posted it w the pix yesterday going through breads sux these days.. THANQ BAKERS
repost end of last bread. i need the article these pick came from to shut a normie tf up about photo shop..
saw it when anons posted it w the pix yesterday going through breads sux these days.. THANQ BAKERS
>"these people are stupid"-Q
lulz nice pointer anon
im not from errf i always knew it too
i have seen some things too. like eyes change to slits right in front of me.
what did you see anon im interdasted? ufo thread maybe?
cabal btfo fubar!
nope not me anon
he has been gate keeping extra hard lately cant even get a few min in to his vids..
coreys kids btfo fubar imo
can i has blank of flakkiee (first pic)preez nd thanQ?