lizard people or demonic parasites looking more and more likely every day huh ?
its ok anon thats what prayer and hollow points are for
i dunno
john mccain
john "son of cain"
pretty sure these people are the great enemy from the bible
or the sons and daughters of it
bible says the serpent anon
youre only getting a deal if you were under duress
i dont think any pedos are getting deals
plus the public will literally lynch the ceos taking golden parachutes
im not kidding
Q says multiple times
that our foes are in "high places" spiritually
are they lizards ?
maybe maybe not
thats just what i call them
tfw demons are real
moloch is definitely real too
but if the evil is real
guess what
so are angels
get fucked cabal
tfw its literal
soon theres gonna be incarcerated extraterrestrials
be sure to mention how they weaponized crack to destroy black ameria
and all the drug running
assassinating of democratically elected leaders etc
they already do
nobody likes the cia but stupid boomers
which is the entire dem voting block at this point
them and dumb millennials
nah the music said thats a mega no