Campus mob enraged by ‘Confirm Kavanaugh’ display
Campus mob enraged by ‘Confirm Kavanaugh’ display
The Kavanaugh Allegations Are Psychological Terrorism, And It’s Time They End
The Hill has ONE honest reporter, John Solomon.
The line between legal tax avoidance and illegal tax evasion is often murky, and it is constantly being stretched by inventive tax lawyers. There is no shortage of clever tax avoidance tricks that have been blessed by either the courts or the I.R.S. itself.
Christine Blasey-Ford Friend In Delaware Was Career FBI Agent and Likely Together During Accusation Letter Construct…
Monica L McLean is holding the pink bag, is she the same woman with our favourite Pron Lawyer.
Hillary is directly involved w/ the #Kavanaugh Sham.
There's a reason why Lindsey Graham asked abt Military law @ the hearings.
HRC knows why.
Thread: Connections - Katz (Ford Atty)/Weinstein/NXIVM