Anonymous ID: e92739 Oct. 3, 2018, 7:14 a.m. No.3310787   🗄️.is 🔗kun

From previous thread before this current new one. A query from an Anon. I still haven't figured out if I'm breaking etiquette rules by doing this, but this is always the way I start a red pill moment for someone.



That's a tall order, Darlin.


Volumes of books have been written on the subject. Bad guys have been in control for a long time. At the apex of the bad guys (black hats) are the international central bankers (read Edward G Griffin's "The Creature from Jekyll Island, A second look at the Federal Reserve.) The primary author of the Fed Reserve Act (2013) was Paul Warburg, a Rothschild man.


The same year, we got the first national income tax to pay interest on principle borrowed by US Govt that the Fed owners have the privilege/monopoly of creating out of thin air. What a fine scheme!


Ah, but these bank owners had no intention of paying this national income tax and so, the same year, tax exempt foundations were established—think Rockefellar, Carnegie/Mellon, et al.


Now these big foundations have LOADS of money to fund school boards, the American Medical Assoc, science foundations, etc.


With all this money, and by "buying up the editorial pages of the largest (news) papers", they are able to direct the activities of these various entities and literally engineer society to their progressive/globalist liking.


Their ability to "march through the institutions" was born with these three primary developments way back in 1913.


And the rest, my Dear Reader, is history.