Remember, whatever Fear is in You, is YOU NOT LOOKING AT THE TRUTH. The Holes in the Holoism are THERE…Ask yourself, Anons, do you trust yourself to know? Become well versed in sacred geometry, symbolism etc and you see the Game we've subsidized with our Fear to NOT BE ANONYMOUS. The Game is Love. I'm pouring over info and realizing, I'm the ONLY THING that's prevented ME from PURSUING THE TRUTH OF ANYTHING. God's Test is to surround you with ppl that love you and give you the infrastructure to discover and create a LOVE that when manifested, will bring about a PEACE that settle's whatever imbalances between You and Yourself. It took millions of years to create You. Do not deny Reality to overcome it. Understanding the Quanta of Identification seems to be the grand finale to this cycle of Evil. I'm grateful to have y'all to've enabled me to break free of my Sleep and let the Sun Shine In. Face It With A Grin. God Bless America
The Last Jedi. He who projects, appears. You hate Jews because you hate yourself and allowed the Prime Directive to be a science fiction trope.