There is much discussion on this board about Jews – real or fake.
It should be no surprise to anyone that there are probably both real and fake Jews.
Look at Revelations 2:9 (letter to church in Smyrna) and 3:9 (letter to church in Philadelphia) which talk about "those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie…"
In the Jewish culture being a Jew is determined by the mother not the father. (My conjuncture for this is that many Jewish kings had many Canaanite and Gentile wives which would make them half Jewish in the first generation. Futher marriage and procreation with anything other that two parents that were 100 percent Jewish would in time decrease the Jewish genes to almost nothing.)
Within the Jewish population today the question of who is a Jew and who is not a Jew is often hotly debated – behind closed doors of course so as to no show disunity to the world. However, Israel is a world leading in DNA analysis specifically to answer this question of who is a Jew.
The Rothschilds claim to be Jewish yet many of the wives and therefor mothers were not Jewish. In Israel, the is a lot of support for the Rothschild family since they were influential in the Belfour Declaration which lead to the establishment of the Jewish homeland and in turn the nation of Israel. The Rothschilds donated a large sum of money to build the Knesset in Jerusalem.
However, there are many examples of non-jews helping and donating to the Jewish people as individuals and Jews collectively as a nation. Therefore donating to Jews or Israel does not prove that someone is Jewish.
There is some discussion that the Khazarian Jewish are fake Jews. Maybe they are maybe they are not.
Whether or not the fake Jews are Khazarian or not is not as important as accepting the idea that there are real Jews and then there are fake Jews that worship and the synagogue of Satan.