Anonymous ID: 9794b7 Feb. 10, 2018, 6:02 p.m. No.332171   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know I'm not the only one who's watched things unfold over the last decade or so and wondered why the hell one idiot or another got some important job in government. My dad would call them all 'turkeys' and I had to agree with him even though we're on opposite ends of the political spectrum.


Ever wonder how Pelosi got to be speaker of the house? She's an idiot. She just spouts the party lines she's given. Wasserman-Schultz is an idiot, but she's really good at using the party line. It's the same on the GOP side. No one liked Boehner. No one liked McConnell either, so why did he win such a prominent position in congress? It always felt like some schemer mapped it out and decided it for us and just made congress dance to their tune.


I'm sure there may have been some noble-minded folks behind the creation of the CIA and there likely still are some good ladies and gents working there, but the Clowns were infiltrated by bad actors early on. The agency was always too powerful. Get a few megalomaniacs working behind the scenes to seize influence and power within that agency and you had lots of $$$ and important people backing you up no matter what disgusting things you were up to. It was a tempting target for the cabal from day 1. From there it was only a matter of patience and time (we know how much patience (((they))) have) and they could start infiltrating every other agency in government (as well as other countries). The Clowns had metastasized. Thank God we're excising this cancer.