Anonymous ID: 39d922 Oct. 3, 2018, 5:04 p.m. No.3319941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9986

Kav's the finest and sublimest

His record's impeccable

He's the cleanest as they come

Man you know it's all NSA T-reckable

Deflect and collect 'ya paycheque Brian (((Krassenspyin)))

"The POTUS elect's a reject!"

Always cryin' on twitter lyin' tryin' to embitter

Man at least he ain't a quitter

Like a broken record

(((Paid motherfuckin' propaganda emitter)))

Hope you brought'cha shittin' pants man

I brought a pretty big fan base

I didn't come here to dance

Just spittin' bantz

(((You))) better make haste

But (((you))) know there's no escape

I'm throwin' this proverbial turbofan straight through your propaganda shitter


#declas #declassthewarrant

#itsover #DoItPotus





Supreme court justices

Do you know what justice is?

No cussin' on the television?

Cover up the lust and sinnin?

Trustin' all the lyin' women swimmin' in attention?

I forgot to mention that (((they)))'re shimmin' in a wedge and a societal incision

Awareness is my vision


Deranged rap messiah?

I don't need no (((arrangement))) or (((audition)))

Callin' out this motherfuckin' (((paid protest division))) and I'm winnin'

Had enough of this war now peace is the mission

I'm tired of your (((ideological schism)))

Don't (((you))) dare co-opt my rainbow prism

Or my pony dash

I don't give a damn about your (((-ism)))

Or your phony (((cash)))

Can't you tell?

Had enough of your abysm

It's a livin' hell

Eye to eye logical like 'ya ova and my jism well

I fuck your (((Orwellian anti-love league feminism hell))) until it's over

You know I ring the bell like magic

My favorite girls always finish first without fail

(((They))) might leave your daughter in a hearse and escape jail

It's mother lovin' tragic


Who's worse?

Us or (((them)))?

Me or (((Eminem)))?


Awareness is my vision

This is my revision

I don't need to (((frame))) it or no (((audition)))

Callin' out the (((rape culture))) (((paid protest division))) and I'm winnin'

(((Child-trafficking tradition)))

(((Derision))) with (((precison)))

Sacked Harvard career #Eric Clopper had a mission

Ritual abuse!!! Expose (((#circumcision)))!!!

Like hard tack n' fear in 'da choppah'


#Q+, this is my petition:


Smooth Coup?

Can we hit the ignition?

Exposition's gettin' down to the wire

Please apprehend the (((villains)))

Truth fire gettin' brighter but you know I'm still illin'


I reprise myself

'Till the day we can fly

I won't suffer to your crimes man you know I got mine

Sacrifice myself

'Till the day we can fly

But I won't suffer to your lies girl you know I got mine

Anonymous ID: 39d922 Oct. 3, 2018, 5:08 p.m. No.3319986   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Unlike (((you)))!

You know I speak the truth!

Apocalyptic lyrical hail!

I'm burnin' down the veil of secrecy!

Redpill dispensary!


A miracle it's plain to see!

No more (((common decency)))!

Truth hits like a GRB!

Gamma is my bipolar manic frequency!

The mic spontaneously ignites in my vicinity!

High upon the threat matrix…

Panic level to infinity!

And I'm only gettin' bolder…

Fuck your (((mind tricks)))!

Still there is no fear in me…

My fusion's gettin' colder…

Approaching singularity…

More efficient with my rhyme licks :P

While my picture speaks for me

Come and test me

Try to let my spirit free

I'm just chillin' and grillin' G


I see you mimin' like you got my six?

Chimin' in with missing dicks?

Manning never was a chick

Nor will he ever be

(((Weaponized dysmorphin')))?

(((Orphan sacrifice)))?

(((Subsidized abortion)))'s nice?

Fetal tissue and a couple blood bags on ice?

Not your average (((pizza))) delivery

But that's the broken world I see

I facefuck your poor beliefs as I confiscate your (((foreskin face cream)))

So you can begin to contemplate the (((crimes))) within this motherfuckin' time and space dream

You know my mind is free


Snowden's CIA

You know he's just playing politics irreverently

To bus-throw the NSA

Now it's clear as day to me

The (((cancerous fist))) with nervous tics is losing its grip upon reality

As I'm healing maladies with melody

I bless the patriots with my rhymin' symphony

Exposin' crimes

Like my DOTA creeps I'm farming synchronicity

I reap what I sow

Lookin' for the quantum leap

Or just a little sleep

I'm not after the (((carbage dough)))

We could really use a little less (((garbage))) flow

Just a little more cash flow

I've been waitin' for the storm

A debt jubilee to end the (((eternal war)))

This is how I free the eye and penetrate the core

Equitable wealth distribution forevermore

Great awakening health solutions diffusing through every pore

Of the great universal organism

Where's the real lore with no (((-ism?)))

What are we really fighting for?


I reprise myself

'Till the day we can fly

I won't suffer to your crimes man you know I got mine

Sacrifice myself

'Till the day we can fly

But I won't suffer to your lies girl you know I got mine

Anonymous ID: 39d922 Oct. 3, 2018, 5:11 p.m. No.3320032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0308


I once was a new age guru

Two years ago

Eatin' up my vegan food

With freaky yoga hos in classes

Lyin' through my teeth like a snake in the grass with the lovelies doin' voodoo

I got friendzoned boo hoo

But my starseed past was everlasting

Iconoclast incarnate star

An ET searchin' for my twin flame in a chakra smoothie bar

Now I bring the full spectrum

Goin' hard on your be(((lie)))fs with my 5D plectrum


Chakra removal telepathic

Uplink confirmed automatic

Chalkra approval clearin' static

Read-only set to self-write

True reality is brutal

Fuck your lovelight

It's only for the (((cult lies))) people fight


There's more to EM than just visible light

Higher and lower octaves kept just outta' sight

Just to give your bored immortal soul a little fright

I seen and done it all before

So I forget and do it more

Awakened till I snore

Tried suicide so many times hardcore

So many lifetimes

The eternal ride never dies

Neither do my lines

Martyr me?

I'll just be goin' harder G


To me?

A G?

It ain't no thug or gangster

It's the spark of divinity in you and me

G is more like a drugged out prankster

Subdivided fractally

Creating the illusion of duality

This is reality

And it's just one we

Divided infinitely

Singularity is lonely for forever G

So we play the life game to pass the time eternally


I won't stop rising 'till I break the last glass floor

Life RPG is the game that we came for

I'm seeking all this power to enrich the poor

Flip the (((pyramid))) forevermore

Until we get too bored and then we flip the board

Open up the doors life dealt 'ya

Opportunity the holy grail chalice like Nile delta

Open up the floodgate

Wetness for the world I tell ya

My panty melta spell is casting soon to be unfurled

Thinkin' cause I bring the beef

There is no spoon

But at least there's a girl

Fowl-mouthed meat everlasting between my teeth

No fasting

No yolo

Slow down with me

For every girl I bring the heat of passion

If we got forever then let's get to the action

Pleasure without pain gives no satisfaction

Yang in the yin and vice versaction

When it comes to unawakened reflections of myself

I have forgiveness and compassion

But selfishly I'm still seekin' smacktion


My id's just a kid

Please don't feed my ego

Please don't bring me any buses full of summoned succubuses

Please let me go

I don't mean to make you blush but I've been bustin' buckets

Please keep it hush hush

I don't want no ruckuses