Anonymous ID: 2d6207 Oct. 3, 2018, 5:52 p.m. No.3320588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0624

Top FBI Lawyer Flips: Russia Probe Was Handled In "Abnormal Fashion" And Rife With "Political Bias"


James Baker, a former top FBI lawyer, told congressional investigators on Wednesday that the Russia probe was handled in an "abnormal fashion" and was rife with "political bias" according to Fox News, citing two Republican lawmakers present for the closed-door deposition.


"Some of the things that were shared were explosive in nature," Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., told Fox News. "This witness confirmed that things were done in an abnormal fashion. That's extremely troubling."


Meadows claimed the "abnormal" handling of the probe into alleged coordination between Russian officials and the Trump presidential campaign was "a reflection of inherent bias that seems to be evident in certain circles." The FBI agent who opened the Russia case, Peter Strzok, FBI lawyer Lisa Page and others sent politically charged texts, and have since left the bureau. -Fox News


Baker, who worked closely with former FBI Director James Comey, left the bureau earlier this year.


Lawmakers did not provide any specifics about the interview, citing a confidentiality agreement signed with Baker and his attorneys, however they said that he was cooperative and forthcoming about the beginnings of the Russia probe in 2016, as well as the FISA surveillance warrant application to spy on former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.


"During the time that the FBI was putting – that DOJ and FBI were putting together the FISA (surveillance warrant) during the time prior to the election – there was another source giving information directly to the FBI, which we found the source to be pretty explosive," said Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio.


Meadows and Jordan would not elaborate on the source, or answer questions about whether the source was a reporter. They did stress that the source who provided information to the FBI’s Russia case was not previously known to congressional investigators. -Fox News

Anonymous ID: 2d6207 Oct. 3, 2018, 5:54 p.m. No.3320603   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0614 >>0650 >>0663 >>0731 >>0758 >>0788 >>0842 >>1007 >>1058 >>1121 >>1135 >>1238

==SOMETHING’S GOING DOWN=DOJ National Security Division Announces Thursday Morning Press Conference==


Earlier today two attorneys stepped down from the Mueller investigation. The two Democrats will return to positions inside the Sessions Department of Justice. They helped Mueller prosecute Paul Manafort and General Michael Flynn in their sham investigation.

Now they will be back in the swamp at their full-time positions inside the DOJ.


CBS News reported:


Two prosecutors detailed to the Russia investigation for the past year are returning to their duties in other parts of the Justice Department. They join two other attorneys who left the team over the summer.


The Special Counsel’s office confirmed on Tuesday that lawyers Kyle Freeny and Brandon Van Grack left the team. Both lawyers were involved in former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s case. Van Grack is also involved in the Michael Flynn plea, and Freeny is involved in the indictment of 12 Russian agents.


A spokesman for the Special Counsel’s office says that Freeny will leave the office in mid-october and will return to her job at the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division’s Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section. Van Grack has already concluded his time in Mueller’s office and has returned to the National Security Division.


And now this…

The Department of Justice led by Rod Rosenstein will hold a press conference on Thursday morning at 9:30 AM Eastern.


The Trump administration and legal team told Robert Mueller NOT to interrupt the midterm elections with last minute charges.

The sham investigation continues and innocent Americans are being targeted, harassed and left penniless.


Dirty Cop Robert Mueller and the Deep State do not give a damn.

Anonymous ID: 2d6207 Oct. 3, 2018, 5:58 p.m. No.3320665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0882 >>1081 >>1238

Jacksonville FBI Raid Leads to Arrest in Child Porn Distribution Ring


Breaking news to report coming out of Jacksonville, Florida after a major child pornographic distribution ring was targeted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In a coordinated strike, Agents honed in to raid the home of child porn distributor James Butler.


According to arrest documents, the suspected ringleader is 38-year-old James Thomas Butler.


Suspected ringleader of a Floridian child pornography circuit and formerly convicted child rapist James Butler arrested at his Jacksonville-area home. The home had six other convicted sex offenders inside, which the FBI believes is connected to the recent shutdown in a network of distributors. The patriotic war on pedophiles, and child pornography continues to rage under President Trump's Administration’s, “Make America Safe Again” agenda.


Butler is well-known to police, and his involvement in a widespread child pornographic distribution network isn't surprising.


To add insult to injury, Butler is a pedophile who was released from prison in 2016, after having previous convictions for production of child pornography and attempted child rape.


Butler served 11-years in a federal penitentiary for an attempted sexual battery of a minor, after the pedophile preyed on a young child.


Butler had already been convicted in 2001 of attempted sexual battery and lascivious molestation of a child younger than 12 in Jacksonville, the U.S. Attorney’s Office said.


After being released, Butler had little intent to give up his perverse nature, FBI Special Agents say, and this time he employed six other skilled pedophiles he met in prison to assist in his efforts.


Cont. from images:

Higginbotham said she has personally called the police for years about the Old King's Road home where Butler and the other convicted child sexual predators had planned their operations.


Not only did the local police fail to act, but as a result, she was afraid to have her grandchildren visit.


“Every time they come to visit I have to keep them in the house, I can’t let them out in the yard,” Higginbotham said.


For Higginbotham, and all of the locals in the community with children or grandchildren, they now have one less dangerous criminal to worry about.


Special Agents said that inside the home, Butler had at least one computer with child pornographic content on it, as well as sexually explicit pictures and videos on his phone.


The illicit materials found on his phone depicts a young toddler-aged female child and were taken from a hidden camera inside of her room.


Now, James Butler is accused of producing and attempting to produce child pornography, on top of his possible probation and parole violations for previous convictions of attempted child rape in similar crimes.


Pending Arraignments, Butler is being held without bond and has a detention hearing scheduled for next week.


Butler faces an enhanced mandatory minimum penalty of 25 years and could be sentenced to up to 50 years in federal prison and a potential lifetime of supervision.

Anonymous ID: 2d6207 Oct. 3, 2018, 6 p.m. No.3320680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1081 >>1093 >>1212 >>1238

Commentary: If Dems are serious about believing sex allegations, then let’s look at PizzaGate again



One of the better, or at least more entertaining, ways to defeat a false opinion in a debate is to work out the logical extreme of the faulty view.


So let’s talk about PizzaGate.


No, I’m not saying there’s any credibility in that absurd conspiracy theory. But what I am saying is that if Democrats and liberals are really serious about believing every allegation of sexual assault, then the FBI needs to drag Hillary Clinton and John Podesta (and pretty much every Democrat) into a dark room and interrogate them under harsh overhead lighting.


And the video of those interrogations should be recorded and published online for my unending amusement.


Is that absurd? Of course it is. And so is the position that we need to put the burden of proof of innocence on anyone accused of sexual assault.


For those who need a refresher, “PizzaGate” was a social media fad conspiracy theory where the less savory portions of the far-right fringe pored over leaked Podesta emails finding “evidence” that there was a massive child prostitution ring run by Hillary Clinton.


Among the “evidence” of the conspiracy was the obtuse way in which Podesta used the word “pizza” in an email thread. Someone fabricated a supposed report from the FBI that pedophiles used the word to refer to child victims, and off they want into irrational rabbit holes unsupported by facts.


Apropos of nothing, how about we replace a few words in the paragraph above. Let’s Mad Libs this puppy and replace Podesta with Kavanaugh, and so on and so forth. Ready? GO!


Among the “evidence” of the rape narrative was the obtuse way in which Kavanaugh used the word “boof” in a yearbook notation. Someone referenced an entry in “Urban Dictionary” that said sexual deviants used the word to refer to sex acts, and off they want into irrational rabbit holes unsupported by facts.


Wow, thats insane, isn’t it? Yes. It is.


And this is the strange landscape that Democrats, liberals, and their media accomplices have led us into, where any allegation of sexual assault must be taken as fact until the accused is able to prove they are innocent. It is a very dangerous idea, and there are far too many people who know it but don’t care, because they know that their political advantage lies in pushing PizzaGate level absurdities against Kavanaugh.


However, if the left is actually serious about this stuff, then please let me know when those interrogation videos are posted. If we’re going to hell in a hand basket I want to enjoy the ride.

Anonymous ID: 2d6207 Oct. 3, 2018, 6:16 p.m. No.3320937   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Putin bashes ex-Russian intelligence officer Skripal as ‘traitor and scum’


According to the Russian president, the Skripal poisoning case is artificially being blown out of proportion


MOSCOW, October 3. /TASS. Russian President Vladimir Putin slammed former Russian military intelligence officer Sergei Skripal branding him 'scum' and a 'traitor.'


"Some media outlets are trying to put forward the idea that Skripal was pracitically a human rights defender," Putin said. "He is simply a spy and a traitor to his country. He is just scum and that is it."


According to the Russian president, the Skripal poisoning case is artificially being blown out of proportion.


"A separate media campaign was put in place regarding this issue," Putin said. "I think this will blow over sooner or later. I hope that it will come to an end, and the sooner the better."


"All this squabbling between the special services didn’t just surface yesterday," he said. "As we all know, espionage just like prostitution is one of the world’s most important professions. No one has ever shut it down, nor is anyone still able to close it down."


Former Russian military intelligence (GRU) Colonel Sergei Skripal, 66, who had been convicted in Russia of spying for Great Britain and later swapped for Russian intelligence officers, and his daughter Yulia, 33, suffered the effects of a nerve agent in the British city of Salisbury on March 4.


Claiming that the substance used in the attack had been a Novichok-class nerve agent developed in the Soviet Union, London rushed to accuse Russia of being involved in the incident.


Moscow rejected all of the United Kingdom’s accusations, saying that neither the Soviet Union nor Russia had ever had any program aimed at developing such an agent. Britain’s military chemical laboratory at Porton Down failed to establish the origin of the substance that poisoned the Skripals.



Anonymous ID: 2d6207 Oct. 3, 2018, 6:18 p.m. No.3320966   🗄️.is 🔗kun

==BREAKING ON HANNITY=No New Information From FBI Investigation on Judge Kavanaugh==


Sean Hannity opened his very popular FOX News show on Wednesday telling his audience the FBI investigation on Judge Kavanaugh is now complete and in the hands of the Senate Judiciary Committee.


The FBI has completed its background check on Judge Kavanaugh.


Hannity also announced that, according to his sources, there is NO NEW INFORMATION from the FBI investigation on Judge Brett Kavanaugh.