McConnell speaking in the Senate at this moment, seems to align with that timetable, McConnell says senators will be able to review this before a Friday cloture vote. McConnell filing cloture this evening … just filed it.
Cloture is a means to limit debate to a time certain. Senate has no "move to take the vote," and cloture is the substitute.
If a cloture motion is passed, passage signifies senate agreement to limit debate.
Cloture has two steps. Filing the cloture motion (just happened) and voting on the cloture motion. If the cloture motion passes, it means the underlying issue will get a vote at a time certain. Absent that agreement, the senate modus operandi is unlimited debate.
Cloture filing requires 16 senators to sign, and nothing more. There is no debate on the subject, therefore no basis for objection, etc. IOW, get 16 Senators to sign on, and the motion gets filed even if the entire rest of the senate is against it.
Point of interest, procedurally.
Failed cloture vote does not kill the underlying issue. Failed cloture motion means MORE DEBATE. Failed cloture motion can be kept alive by motion to reconsider, or if that isn;t done., just file another cloture motion on the same subject. Some of GWB's judicial nominees had up to five failed cloture votes, then were approved by the senate.