Anonymous ID: 82b788 Feb. 10, 2018, 6:33 p.m. No.332434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2462



Partially correct - more likely they are seeing a way out without losing face after 'withstanding' Trump's pressure by playing 'peacemaker' themselves first, which the south was glad to accept and play along (they have too much to lose), and china and russia are secretly pleased the whole plan worked out with Trump knowingly playing the foil with them.


By going on the offensive, we (combined US, china, and russia) took the initiative diplomatically, militarily, politically, and economically, thus removing the cabal initiative and playing the situation to OUR favor.


This move was necessary to pressure NK to abandon any thought of playing along with cabal's games and bringing them to OUR terms, thus snuffing out the potential flash point before it has a chance to ignite in cabal's designs.


This is literally geopolitics 101. You CANNOT change anything if you don't play for keeps.


Kim is going to now know he will have to play ball with new players (US, China, Russia) instead of the cabal.


Syria situation is a bit more complex, since cabal still has israel and multitude of raghead puppets and regimes under their rule - with iran being the main prize ( possibility of this is getting lower should iran make gestures of peace after proper steps are taken for THEIR white hats neutralizing the mullahs and so forth). However, the initiative is turning more towards our favor, despite the muslims and israel trying to keep the fires of ww3 alive. Syria is no longer the lightening rod of ww3 the cabal hoped it will be, or trying to still make it so.


Ukraine ww3 possibility is remote now under watchful eye of russia.


We can clean out our muslim pop and invaders under executive orders, and that will take time. We can be restored demographically, which was always the goal.


>We strike everyday

>We win everyday


Gott mit uns.

Anonymous ID: 82b788 Feb. 10, 2018, 6:46 p.m. No.332524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2555 >>2955



While china may seem unified to outsider's eyes, and they certainly do everything to give such impressions, the real picture is a bit more complex.


With over fifty recognized racial minorities and 1.3 billion + population, china got to where it is by cabal ALLOWing it to happen.


In the mean time, the real chinese have an axe to grind against the cabal for ALL the shit (((they))) put the poor naive inexperienced chinks through in the 19th-20th century (think sassoon family, opium war, near-colonization, trafficking of asian women, stoking 'yellow fever', japanese invasion and rape of nanking, mao the useful idiot and 'cultural revolution' etc).


Do they want a payback? Fuck yes they do.


Triad secret societies have been used and old guard decimated by the cabal. Actual original triad leadership died a miserable death.


I don't even need to tell you the amount of hatred and rightful vengeance Russians and eastern europeans must exact upon the cabal and their pets.


Now western europeans and most importantly, Americans are finally throwing off the yoke of their unseen enemy that has been using them as the stalking horse and 'golem' unknowingly.


Will the world wide actors and white hats (actual white hats, not fucking muslims, surface nationalistic chicoms, or jew-russians, or any racially motivated enemies of ours) miss this chance to take down our mutual enemy?




We will win, anons.


>We have WORLD WIDE support.