But she gives the best blow-z's
You got some magic mushrooms to go with that gif, bro?
I posted this article from Live Science a few nights ago but it was super slow and was passed up.
Very interesting stuff.
Hard rock cover
Im looking at it wondering how I can fuck with it kek
Fucking A right!
Get it offa my screen
Looking at you DiFi
So say we all
That would be the craziest plot twist ever for reals
I never said I didnt like Pence.
Barely know shit about him besides whats been said here but, if thinking logically, if I was the cabal, I would totally have somebody under my control as VP to keep POTUS in check.
Gets me every time kek!
Yes and no.
We see their reach, it may have been unavoidable, or a trap for them.
I dont really know, obviously, but that would be a kicker.
I dont trust the Pecker Checker JP and weve already tossed around those ideas many times because Pence is still kind of a mystery.
Night anon
The Bridge in this crumb reminded me, does anybody know why POTUS keeps emphasizing the George Washington bridge in almost every speech for the past couple weeks?