Not even to be able to tell the guys at the pub that you did her?
I, as an oldfag, would like to thank the shills too.
If it weren't for you guys i would have never been convinced that this was the real deal.
The shills kinda backfired that one.
Earth Force to Star Command.
You just failed the internet my good sir.
Oh hi again shill. Didn't realize it was you.
I thought, silly of me i know, that you were a legit anon that just didn't get a joke.
But i see, as you are about to be hanged you can't be criticized for not having a sense of humor. I wouldn't be in a mood for jokes either if I was about to die.
>So because I did not get a joke I am a shill?
No? That was not what I said. In fact. I said i believed you initially because of that.
Oh so you're ganging up on me now ? Imma so scurred.
I love your smiley faces thoughโฆ so progressive and all.
Not trying to feign a calm demeanor or anything.
HAHAHA for not being shills you are really trying hard.
Yes please. Keep 'em comming. Only proves my point.
>Its all me, you idiotic faggot :)
Oh i'm sorry for not acknowledging your shilling efforts to the fullest.
I see.
But you are not trying to hardโฆ okay
It's not necessarily.
But spamming the same shit over and over again is.
And would you stop with the fucking smileys?
You are exposing kike supremacy by acting like a teenage girl?
C'mon dudeโฆ you can't be for real?
Considering POTUS is playing 5D chess.
Wouldn't it be logical to assume that he tried to prevent that?
>When kikes stop censoring the information EVERYWHERE else, I will reduce my chan activities. Until then,
Kikes censor your boring shit everywhere else so you have to post it here?
Even if no-one cares and by spamming it you defeat your point?
Is it a form of Tourettes syndrome?
>deal with it.
I am, if you hadn't noticed.
>Its not "supremacy", its SUPREMACISM, the former implies they already won, the latter implies they want to control everything.
Depends on perspective.
>Cry more faggot, I post anyway I want
You keep accusing me of crying, yet you are the calling me names. Not that i care, just saying.
And yes you sure do. Even if it defeats your purpose.
You are a good little shill aren't you?
And think of all the shekels i earned you tonight. Happy days.
You have no clue what an ad-hominem is do you?
Yes because everyone finds hour long documentaries on human slaughter super entertaining. And if not they must be a kike.
Hey i think i just defined an ad-hominem for you there.
>Thanks for admitting defeat, kike faggot
See. That was a pretty attempt. Yet i am not defeated. not by a long shot.
No in-fact you just proved to me for a second time that you don't know what an ad-hominem is and you just use it as a buzzword to not admit defeat when you can't come up with a proper retort.
You are such a tool.
This is too easy.
Almost not fun.
Oh who am i kidding. It's fucking hilarious.
You were funnier earlier. When you actually tried to look like an anon?
Now you are just a broken record.
<Got anymore of them entertaining facts about joos? I'm almost out.
Round in round in circles we go.
You okay there pal.
Try looking up the definition of ad-hominem first. Then take you medication.
Or reversed order is probably better.
<For the record that was my first actual ad-hominem.
Thanks for admitting defeat (x2)
But that would require me to waste time watching boring content designed to distract me from doing exactly what i'm doing now.
No i want to argue what you have to sayโฆ not your hour long videosโฆ
C'mon. Get your head into the game. Lets have "The talk" you know.
So "The Talk" is another smiley?
So you can't even defend your own "facts"โฆ
Thanks for admitting defeat (x3)
To be clear.
I'm not reading anything below:
or watching your videos.
Those are copy pasta. Not your arguments.
>If you can refute them, go ahead
As i stated earlier. That would require me to spend more time than i am willing. Just to satisfy a shill.
You watched them didn't you?
So you should be able to sumarize. In your own words. not that copy/pasta shit.
You want me to do some effort? show me that you are willing to do the same.
<oy vey stop posting fully sourced facts about jewish subversion and Israeli crime, that's pasta, don't use those lets debate
Nice try. I never said anything remotely related to that.
In fact i said, and i quote: "`Keep 'em coming"
Another fine dodge from definitely not a shill.
Seeโฆ You are really not too smart are you?
All i've been saying this entire bread is that your methods defeat your purpose.
None of what you posted are arguments. But fuck it i'll take it. It's better than just a smiley and a ad-hominem.
I can't argue with any of your goals, some of them i don't really care for, but i can agree with all of them.
So if that is you actual goal. Then why are you trying so hard to look like a shill?
Correct. And i stated why.
I apologize for the reddit spacingโฆ I'm getting tiredโฆ