Hate to burst your bubble but that is not the same person. You only need one good reason, but there are at least six.
Left eye lower on middle guy. JFK's higher. Bone structure changes? Really?
Tip of nose. Cartilage changes? Not like that it doesn't. You don't get a tip of your nose like that if you haven't got one after adolescence (Fusca's version runs in my family).
Cheek creases don't increase with weight, generally, however, I could buy the chin shape.
Angle of naso-labial folds is totally different, and the asymmetry in JFK is not reflected in whats-his-name.
JFK eyebrows arch down on both sides. Fusca arches up on left side. Nope.
Pattern of brow creases is debatable, but central supra-nasal creases on Fusca do not match developing creases on JFK.
Dental records would not EVER confirm that Fusca was JFKJR (but maybe all his teeth were knocked out in that impossible plane crash).
Ears on Fusca are not visible, but the ears continue to grow, as does the nose, throughout life.
I know you're likley a shill, but it's fun to ponder. I'd be all for it if the dude was alive, and I'd be lying if I said I hadn't told a few people JFK, Jr. didn't die in that crash. But overall, I'm beyond not convinced he's alive. Anymore than Andy Kaufman was playing a 30 year joke (he wasn't). Trump is avenging his friend. JFK, Jr. is dead. Long live Trump.
Caroline, though…we can debate, because that lady at the rally totally was identical.