This is great, academia HAS to be cleaned up. It's just as crooked as any of the three letter agencies.
I've argued this same scenario here and I think only one other Anon saw it heading this way. The Red wave is going to come from the pushback of what should have been a slam dunk SC confirmation that was stolen from us. POTUS won the election for two reasons, people genuinely believe in him AND they could not wait to go out and revenge vote against the establishment. The establishment his going to get away with slandering a good man that people like and we are going to be absolutely LIVID about this travesty.
FBI exonerates, Blasey perjures but nothing happens to her, they obstruct the vote with all kinds of bullshit, Jackson Lee doxxes from her office, the left is calling for some big demonstrations today, I wouldn't be surprised to find out some of them refuse to vote Saturday unless "X" condition is met. The left is totally unhinged, and at the end of this Kav gets a NO vote.
WTFFFFF! People will be salivating to vote these motherfuckers out of office, FBI got the digs on the Foster murder, and Kav gets to retire safely away never to be in a public role again.
IMO the NO VOTE on Kav is part of the plan and is a brilliant one. BTW, I believe he was in on it, it was a worked deal. Thanks for your service brett.
Also consider this, as long as the Federal Reserve is active we won't be able to "take down" the Cabal. IMO Q is somewhat silent on them because they will be replaced soon, probably during the "10 days of darkness". Once they are out, we have free reign to do finishh the job. Leave them intact and we will suffer the consequences for a 1000 years. They will NEVER let us get another chance like this again, EVER.