Fuuuuuck. This DOJ presser a damp squib. Russia???? Fuck the DOJ. They need to be going after the fuckers in THIS country. Damn, so pissed.
Haha! True. Stinks to high heaven of (((them))) working overtime in dropping all sorts of shit that is suspect. The 'agencies worldwide' that were reeled off sounded like the agencies in the pocket of the Roths, et al.Big fucking Red Herring as far as I am concerned.
How little you know of your own constitution….
Article 1 Section 2 Paragraph 2 covers that.
I have included here a video link for you to watch. Its only 16 mins long but will show you how that section applies to getting rid of officials easily and legally. It takes some courage though:
This is the pdf of the story of how he got rid of a Senator in Florida using this Article (starts page 4):
You will need to know Roberts Rules of Order (as this is how they conduct their business/meetings): http://matrixfiles.com/Roberts-Rules-Of-Order-Revised_text.pdf … and here is a link to the plain text version of the Constitution: https://usconstitution.net/const.txt