Do you think there were a few good "Nazis" in Germany?
Did that stop your people from murdering 15 million German men, women and children and then brow-beat, guilt-trip and all but enslave the remaining 2 million Germans in Europe? Did it stop them from murdering over 60 million Russians, 20 million Chinese, or 7 million Ukrainians? Of course not…
And can you name us a single war in human-history where "good" people did not die on both sides, as a result? But what? We should relinquish our hatred for the authors of nearly all evil and war in this world because you and a handful of others are supposed "good Jews"? Psssshhhh… Don't hold your breath. At this point, you are like a gang-member claiming he's changed, while still meeting up with the gang in the shadows. Fuck you, viper. Go back to your brood!