Last 1/3 lip was starting to quiver and holding back…was waiting for her to Faint
Insult to Hippies.
The usual Vocal Minority
they literally are addicted to protest…and the rest are just paid actors
By believing such a fraud with zero evidence…all of them should be disqualified from serving the government. They are like Flat earthers not accepting the truth in front of them.
This one is dedicated to BlowZ Ford (not a DR)
Fucking towel head outside leading the protest….probabaly illegal immigrant….don't like it GTFO.
Other cunt has a sign saying only 6 out of 1000 rapists go to prison….give me a break..
Then if a black man rapes someone and gets charged it's racist…never ending abyss of misery and lies.
So we're all rapists I guess if we have had penis/vagina contact….or in recent case of Kav bumping and grinding.