She looks rather Sorosesque in that image.
It was a test. A test to see how everything is supposed to work.
That's why you do it.
Especially first-of-kind tests.
Then you examine the results and see what further actions are necessary.
That's what tests are for.
> All their questions are bullshit and Sessions can't answer a lot since so many of those questions are being investigated already. Jim Jordan is obviously not in the loop since he keeps pushing for a second special prosecutor.
The Q team need to tap Jim on the shoulder and say:
"Chill out, my man. Everything is going according to The Plan."
:: wink wink, nod nod ::
"Trust it."
"You got me?"
Throw her in a holding cell with LeRoy and DeShawn for a night.
Make a believer out of her.
And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?
>Did her ancestors live here?
>Did they build the country?
>Damn her.
From The Federalist Papers that argued for ratification of the US Constitution; an excerpt from Federalist No.2 by John Jay:
Rotting pile of flesh.
Are these the next "victims" of Judge Kav waiting to tell their stories?
George Orwell rests his fucking case.
and if you do think you have an ego you don't
Or, hang a shingle up somewhere and claim to be a preacher.
And I'll bet you followed that dictum perfectly.
They like extra large sizes.