Anonymous ID: 2a5a0b Oct. 4, 2018, 3:08 p.m. No.3334554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4589 >>4927

>>3334428, >>3334437

TY bakers!!

Nice job baking thru a Q-storm, fren.

EarlyAM baker back from errands and half-lurking also, while listening to the senate hearings (fucking smarmy dems are such liars, fug). But I have needful IRL stuff around the house so am glad to see the kitchen well-manned. I'll check in on the regular tho, can bake again today if we're in lurch.


Godspeed bakers, Anons, BV

Anonymous ID: 2a5a0b Oct. 4, 2018, 3:36 p.m. No.3334971   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm afraid this in incorrect, as much as we'd all like it to be so. These are unpleasant truths, this JQ stuff, but we'll never get out of this mess if we don't face them. Q knows this. It's our job here to hash out the details so POTUS can maintain distance for optics. No prob, we're well versed on this topic.

While there are always outliers in any trend, the general truth is still that ethnic Jews, be they secular or religious, be they American nationals, British nationals, or Israeli, are the historical enemy of ethnic Euros–formerly called "Christendom." It is ethnic Jews behind the Mossad AND behind the C_A and MI6 of the UK. The only difference is the gov. of the Israeli state represents the Zionists directly and overtly, and whereas the Jewish deep state in co-opted states such as the US and UK represents Zionist interests at the expense of the host population and thus and covertly.


While it is true that not all Jews agree Zionism is the best thing "for the Jews," it is in their nature to band together still in other policies that are good for Jews, including globalism, open borders, marxist socialism, degradation of host nations traditions, nationalist protectionism re: trade, and so on.

Anonymous ID: 2a5a0b Oct. 4, 2018, 3:54 p.m. No.3335204   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Cool. Rallies are so wonderful. Never gets old.



>bullshite, they all lie cheat and steal and are not compatible with western values GTFO

Pretty much. There are outliers, but not enough to dictate a public policy that doesn't restrict their access to our institutions of influence excepting very special cases. Total separation is really the best solution tho. The goy are just too susceptible to their panderings and hypnotic stories. How many times do we have to get sucked in and driven to the brink? Not. Compatible. Period.