Anonymous ID: 33ca78 Oct. 4, 2018, 3:02 p.m. No.3334455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4471

>Anonymous 10/04/18 (Thu) 14:31:50 b377e8 (3)

>>3332103 (lb)

>File (hide): 14bfcef751b76b7⋯.png (23.67 KB, 1088x128, 17:2, ClipboardImage.png) (h) (u) Fullsized image

>>3331903 (Q lb)

>not quite

Anon. Use logic

1) Q saw Trump's tweet and quickly ginned up a post to claim a correlation.

QQ: Assuming you were still logged in, how quickly can you get past 502s, get to the current bread, copy/pasta and upload?


2) both you and Trump compose your messages, wait till 17 minutes after the hour, hit upload and wait for your text and image to upload.

QQ: How long does Twatter take to upload? How long does it take 8ch to upload?


And you quibble about 1, 10, 50 seconds?

Anonymous ID: 33ca78 Oct. 4, 2018, 3:16 p.m. No.3334674   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Don't remember the name of book by Clancy (Bear/Dragon? ) . Starts off with an Chinese - American spy inserted into Beijing as a IT something, possibly Hardware vendor. Anyway, he/CIA, added a chip to all the CPUs bound for Chinese govt, giving CIA a backdoor.

Whoda thunk that the Chinese would flip that story on us?

For starters, IBM was the PC of choice for US govt until Lenovo bought the PC business. But even by then, more and more chips were being fabbed in China, thanks to Clinton.