cause they have a weak back and they refuse to strengthen it
'not cool' anon is gay or a jealous women
>tfw you will never impregnate maria orsic
you got a fren in me
you and me both
reduction is fucking dumb, if theyd strengthen there back muscles alot of problems would go away
if your ass>titties youre half gay just so you know
>she looks half-retarded.
bruh all the good juicy shit will happen after mid terms when we have a clear majority in the senate maybe the house and the SC, mid terms 'set the stage'
after the midterms when we break gridlock is when youll see SHTF
fienstein/kav shit is peanuts but id imagine all kind of shit will come out once this horse shit gridlock is broken
not too sure, there probably worried about spilling too much so they dont freak the general public out too much.. a majority of people still see this as just another president, if he starts releasing wild classified shit theyd probably scare alot of people. id imagine the goal right now is to get as many seats in the midterms as possible