Currently your planet is under attack from within and has been for a long time. [Terran note: since the fall of Atlantis 2] The clean-up of such a massive effort is lengthy and involves and includes many. This is where our focus rests.
We are motivated to re-configure the beings involved when possible. This is the highest outcome.
The anger and outcry from the humans, when the scope of the human trafficking is revealed, will be such that they will want blood for blood and retaliation and punishment. I cannot predict what will occur. I can say that our efforts now are to clean up and remove as many as possible “beneath the radar” so to speak, in order to preserve humanity and justice.
There are those beings who incarnated, knowing they would be visible and “thrown under the bus” as you say. You see some of that now in your news. There will be more and what we do not know is which ones will be fed to the slaughter.
As a being who has witnessed the capture and re-calibration of many, I can tell you that with those efforts, and time, none are as hard on themselves as the captured. Once realization is discovered, the pain is incomprehensible. At that point, a gunshot would be merciful and preferred.
So, your skies are filled and we are quite busy. This ends now. This is what I wanted to bring to your attention.Thank you. Goodbye now.