I noticed that an Anon posted a bunch of info about Peter Roget including this:
On 9 December 1824, Roget presented a paper entitled Explanation of an optical deception in the appearance of the spokes of a wheel when seen through vertical apertures.[8] This article is often incorrectly referenced as either On the Persistence of Vision with Regard to Human Motion or Persistence of Vision with regard to Moving Objects, likely due to erroneous citations by film historians Terry Ramsaye and Arthur Knight (see Anderson and Anderson below). While Roget's explanation of the illusion was probably wrong, his consideration of the illusion of motion is seen as an important point in the history of film, and possibly influenced the development of the Thaumatrope, the Phenakistiscope and the Zoetrope.
Satanists do deception all the time as part of their reverence for Satan. So that phrase:
optical deception
jumped out at me. Q recently dropped something
That sounded like a warning about people
Who wear Q T-shirts
As an optical deception that covers up the fact
They are resistance activists from the
Democratic Socialists of America
Has any notable event happened with that guy
In the photo with his Mom?