In her prepared speech, Blasey-Ford said that, “Over the years, I told very, very few friends that I had had this traumatic experience”, speaking of the assault.
Hmmmmmm…………, your closest friend, Leland, you never told? She has no recollection of the party or its events, nor did she ever claim that you had ever told her about this event. So, if you never told your best, best, best friend, then WHO ON EARTH DID YOU TELL??? You admit that you HAVE told friends - very, very few of them - but that necessarily means that you told more than one. “Very, very few friends” literally means more than one. Where are these “friends”? Why do none of those “friends” include Leland? Why have none of those “very, very few friends” come to your defense to assert that you told them that Kavanaugh attempted to rape you?
Why the fake crying while telling this absurd lie? Why did you never clear your throat, blow your nose, wipe your eyes, or demonstrate that there had been ANY physiological reaction to the emotional state that you attempted to portray while testifying? All an act?
What is the story with your claim that you entered a second door at the Safeway when you approached Mark Judge who worked there at that time? From reports I have read (but have not verified), that same Safeway DOES have two doors today - BUT NOT BACK IN 1982. Why the lie?
Ask ANYONE who has ever been assaulted, either sexually or physically, and they can recall every detail of the event. Yet, for an event that you claim has had such a profound impact on your life since that time, you have nearly ZERO recollection of the details of that night, with the exception of remembering that you only had one beer. TRULY astounding.