Anonymous ID: a26555 Oct. 4, 2018, 6:32 p.m. No.3337819   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Just running off memory here, but as I finished watching President Trump in MN (feels like only yesterday it was another rally…oh, it was), I thought back to Bush W. I think it was during W's terms. The MSM started to harp on how long it had been between his press conferences and other interactive public appearances. His Ben Rhodes type defenders explained that he preferred to get things done 'behind the scenes' and to let his policies speak for him. Looking back I now realize there simply wasn't much to inform the people of. It was designed to center around a certain theme. The war on terrorism/9-11, patriot act, blah, blah, blah.


Then obama, the fraud, came along. His press conferences were full of narcissistic musings and towards the end of his second term, I actually sensed derision on his part towards the majority of the country, that is, everyone outside of those he felt were his supporters. There was almost a disdain for having to make the appearances at all.


President Trump is correct. There has really never been anything quite like this. FDR's 'fireside chats' were before my time, but they might be the most analogous (pics related). The nation, almost to a family, made it a point to gather round and tune in. From what I've read, they appreciated hearing from their leader, one who kept them abreast of world events and his administration's policies.


In sharp contrast to what President Trump has been doing, candidate Hillary (and against slick willie's advice), had so little regard for states that offered little in way of votes in the Electoral College, she literally chose to skip them altogether. It cost her too. The people of those states sent her a message at the polls. It has been reported that she chose to rest instead of campaigning. The sharp contrast to Trump's final hour multi-state blitzkrieg was just another reason I truly felt he would win. That he had crowds overflowing capacity to her staged, carefully choreographed and closely cropped audience numbering only in the hundreds was just icing on the cake.


President Trump continues to pack the house, everywhere he goes. His team+ understands how powerful it is to stay connected, to be plugged in, at all times….and there will be no let-up until after the election. The atmosphere will remain charged. Contrary to the fake news non-reporting, all types of people are welcomed at his rallies and I have yet to hear of any incident of mistreatment towards any minority in attendance. The fake news, try as they might, cannot successfully paint a picture that contrasts with people's first hand, direct experience.


November cannot come fast enough.


2018 - will indeed - be glorious!