>>3336897 lb
Was reading this revisiting puzzle of "payment in full" bit.
I interpret innately, as though Q is saying to mean his (RR's) end of bargain entails or involved delivery of some amount x of token y (barter rate for exchange) in return for something RR desires and POTUS possesses.
I'z comfy history will make this all apparent as future turns to present and proves past.
But for a sec until then, has anyone considered this alternative interpretation of "payment in full":
¶RR your reasoning as you sit in my ¶office and utter it so as to explain ¶your decision making on matter x
¶ sounds to these ears not unlike ¶bullshit.
¶In fact, this is the nth time you've ¶come here to explain your decisions ¶to me. The pattern is wearing thin on ¶benefit of doubt or good faith I have ¶been willing to extend to you not ¶being in your shoes myself.
¶I have no more faith in your ability to ¶perform duties expected of ¶someone holding your rank and ¶responsibility.
maybe not PAYMENT IN FULL e.g. "i asked you to do 3 tasks to carry my favor. U did: well done"
maybe PAYMENT IN FULL like manufacturer says to retail store client. e.g. "I can no longer extend you a line of credit in good faith. Upon delivery, I will expect payment in full or else inventory does not move off of truck onto your shelves"
sorry if it reads like tortured metaphor. phone fagging this. intuition here tingled suggesting post warranted.
frens think outside box
(wtf? right! most outta box thinking fam eva here, but ya get the gist, ya?)
love ya all. no homo