Bread title appropriate considering I got 502 when I first clicked.
For the love of God and all that is holy, please explain to me why the hell you want to "see a new doctor and bring it up to him" rather than doing your own research and figure out how to use shit?
Case in point… my wife has ALWAYS had a body temperature of 95.5 and a "shellfish allergy". So of course she didn't get any fish oil or anything.
She stated "I've had my thyroid checked and they couldn't find anything wrong with it blah blah blah blah"
I now have her on 12 drops of 2% iodine plus a selenium daily or every other day and her body temperature is now 96.6. And that's only after 2 weeks of doing it.
She is 225lbs now and dropping. Was 300 7 yrs ago. >>3339317