Dearest Q,
I have it on good authority that all DS criminals have serious cases of lice. Please, please, PLEEEEEEASE, for the Health and Welfare of the staff at GTMO, have these folks shaved and de-loused immediately upon arrival (and check for alcohol & pron). Also, I understand HRC’s diet consists of some fairly exotic substances that won’t be available to her…EVER AGAIN…please feel free to substitute with anything found crawling in the soil around Cuba.
Also, any idea when you will doxx yourselves so we can commission the granite statues that will replace the dark symbology around the country?
Another question: when the “Central Systems” are replaced, will it be easy for The People, or turbulent? I have an idea for the new currency, the only symbol allowed anywhere on the currency is JFK’s finger poking the All-Seeing Eye! And we change, “In God We Trust,” to, “In Our Heavenly Father We Trust,” because I think we all know what “god,” /they/ are referring to on /their/ currency.
Give Scavino a big kiss! KEK