Anonymous ID: 34b2c0 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:06 p.m. No.3341368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1431 >>1433 >>1674

FakeNews was prepared for the arrest of powerful people

For sex trafficking and other UNTHINKABLE crimes

They had a plan to discredit this

As a "conspiracy theory".

Their predictive programming would ensure

That such arrests would break Trump's presidency


But POTUS had a plan too

A clever plan

Born from a lifetime of experience

In business

Amongst the corrupt families

Of New York City

His masterful plan in 3 words

Bottom to Top


That's it

Do not cut off the head of the hydra

Until the hydra is weakened

Until its villages are burnt to the ground

Until it cannot find enough to feed itself

Then with one blow


End it.


Now you know

Why there are no visible arrests

Why there are no Hollywood moments

This is not a game

It is our last chance

It must not fail

Thank God for Donald Trump

Thank God for wisdom

For patience

For compassion

Towards the people

This POTUS loves his neighbors in America

He is in control

The plan is working

The cabal is fading

A dead cat bounce is only a sign

Of their desperation

Trust Q

Anonymous ID: 34b2c0 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:12 p.m. No.3341439   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1455 >>1456 >>1463 >>1980




Girl on left has larger areolae

And they are radially symmetrical

On the right, her right nipple is not radially symmetric

And has the nipple lower down on the areola.

Also her under-rib dinmple is more pronounced

And I believe her navel, is more pronounced although the same type of navel as the left girl

Anonymous ID: 34b2c0 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:17 p.m. No.3341528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1558 >>1699 >>1700 >>1763 >>1798 >>2024 >>2042

Bitcoin was created by Clowns In America to get control of money. They did this two ways. First, they mined a whole bunch of Bitcoin which has NEVER been used. At anytime they can sell a bunch to simultaneously get rich and crash the value of everyone else's Bitcoin.


I think it may have been a North Korean team that did this because there are odd connections to Japanese high energy physics research. NK would need to get people trained in high energy physics and the easiest way to do this is to masquerade as Japanese. Any South Korean school/institure would be too closely watched.


I believe the people that created BitCoin spent some of their time doing research at KEK in Japan. The CIA invented the Pepe term KEK to make it hard for anyone to google and find the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization: KEK. If you browse the papers on their website, you will find surnames like Satoshi and Nakamoto. Possibly one of these is the NK developer of Bitcoin but most likely they just read a lot of papers there and picked up names that seemed, to them, to be common Japanese names. The idea being to throw off the scent.


But you may be wondering what Bitcoin has to do with high energy physics. First, these physicists are highly skilled mathematicians. So was the developer of Bitcoin. Secondly, the blockchain is a software implementation of quantum entanglement. You can track any Bitcoin transaction back to its source through the blockchain.


Now you are probably objecting that the blockchains uses crypto and this cannot be done. But who invented the crypto algorithms in the first place? I will explain. A crypto algorithm is invented by intelligence agencies so that it is hard for commodity computers to crack. But the intelligence agencies have their own computing farms, like the ones they use to mine their early Bitcoin stash, and these are the most powerful o earth. So they intentionally choose an algorithm that is crackable on their own computers.


In addition, we have learned that Intel and ARM chips have been compromised.I believe that the math instructions used in the crypto algorithms have been artificially slowed down on these chips. Then there are secret instructions which enable turbo speed but only the CIA knows what these secret instructions are. In addition the SPECTRE/IME stuff likely spies on the use of these instructions and allows them to hack in and further slow down anyone who is doing serious cracking.

Anonymous ID: 34b2c0 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:28 p.m. No.3341696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1728 >>2097



No, I spent 5 hours one night

Trying to ID the one on the right

I think I may have found her

But she is not a professional model

So there is only a few photos

And no photo sets with many in the same setting.

Darn near impossible to get a sure ID.






Or else


High functioning autism


And look at the various reverse image search engines. There are 4 that I use.

Anonymous ID: 34b2c0 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:35 p.m. No.3341819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2064



Also Bing

Not so good but really great when you want rough approximate matches like trying to fin the original image used in a meme. Then use a thmbnail image to start the search.


Yandex is pretty good too. You cannot steer it with keywords like Google but it seems to have a bigger image db.


Tineye is great because you can sort by time to find the oldest one. This helps to find the first source of an image because the source will be the very first appearance. But sometimes that first one is not in the db, so one that is not too old will lead you to a clue like a name or country, that you can use to prime a Google image search.


However, not all images are in the DBs

And the search tools behave weird

This is why photo sets are great. Find another photo from the same photoshoot, use it as the source, and you may get quite different results

Anonymous ID: 34b2c0 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:40 p.m. No.3341879   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Think about it.

If bad guys think it is untraceable

They will use it for crime

But the quantum entanglement nature of the system

Leads you to them.


Unfortunately Clowns created it

When they found bad guys, they gave them a choice

Cut us in and pay a vig

Or else.

Some people took the Or Else

And got shut down and put in prison

Made the Clowns look like good cops…


The Clowns deal is that they want to own all commerce.

If you are small fry, they let you run with it

But when you prove success,

The clowns move in

They buy you out

Or they steal your market and put you out of business

Or, if you are the right sort of person

With your psychopathic heart in the right place

They recruit you into the org, you pay a vig like everybody else.


They are going to shit themselves when they find

The Clowns' vig network and realize how much money is in that bad business.

Anonymous ID: 34b2c0 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:43 p.m. No.3341915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1944 >>2001 >>2204



It's true

Q is a psyop

We have known this from the beginning

Q told us it was so

We learned about counterintelligence

About when mockingbirds sing

And Q warned that the drops contained disinfo

A clear psyop

Only weak minds fear a psyop

Those who have awakened

Know how to see truth in the midst of lies

Know how to find patterns in the midst of chaos

See the beauty in a pile of horsehit as a beatiful flower sprouts from it

We do not fear psyops

We embrace them.

Here on QResearch

We are the psyop

All of us, me and



Anonymous ID: 34b2c0 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:52 p.m. No.3342054   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Q told us to Learn Russian

For a good reason

If you speak some Russian

You can visit that VAST EXPANSIVE country

Living in a small country like the USA

You have no idea how huge Russia is

And how much diversity

You want to collect ideas

FInd new ways of approaching problems?

Go to Russia

Talk to the people.

Make friends

Go to dinner in their homes.

Not restaurants, in their HOMES.

The people who are stern and distant

In public

Are completely different at home.

It is so much fun to hang out with them.

Anonymous ID: 34b2c0 Oct. 4, 2018, 9:55 p.m. No.3342095   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The ones who really can't meme

Are the psychopaths

So if some group can't meme

You should be suspicious

It is likely dominated by psychopaths


Of course they have other skills

Like that young actress with age makeup

Who was pretending to be Dr. Ford

At the Senate hearing


But that is hard core deception

Which psychopaths do all day long

So they get really good at it.